if you dont understand my silence
you wont understand my words

I like how sleeping next to someone means more than sex sometimes. It’s the body’s way of saying, “I trust you to be by my side at my most vulnerable time.” You have no defenses when you are asleep, you tell no lies.

fuck it, lets just leave this town. our dreams and imaginations are too big for this place. lets escape, california, new york, miami? lets leave. just you and me. we deserve a new beginning, ive been dying for an adventure. pack your bags, get your credit card & lets go.

In a world that’s clearly going to hell head-first, what’s so low about getting high? -Stephen King.

i’ll kick and scream
or kneel and bleed
i’ll fight like hell
to hide that i’m giving up .

The bad thing about a girl with a broken heart is that she starts to hand out the pieces to anyone who comes around.

commitments have never really been my thing. And it isn’t like it is hard, either. The only trick is never giving more than you are willing to lose

What if we could take pictures of our dreams? What if there was a way to document the visions we have while we sleep? Maybe we could know ourselves better and, in turn, better ourselves if we had pictures of our subconscious. If we knew our deepest thoughts, the thoughts that won’t come out during the day, perhaps we could know all there is to know.


Hey, guess what? You don’t even know me. You don’t know why I did what I did. You weren’t there to know everything that happened. All you know is what you’ve heard. But ultimately, what I did was my decision, not yours.


We become attached to what’s familiar
and sometimes we hold onto things that are predictable
even if they are bad for us.


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